What you need to know about the Taco Diet

A Little background on the original Taco Diet:

In 2015 a diet took America by storm, the Taco Cleanse. This fun and satirical book poke fun at diets and the diet industry by recommending a 30-Day Taco Diet Cleanse and introducing the world to the Taco Diet. This popular taco diet is primarily vegan, but consumers can adjust it to their liking and nutritional needs.


Not my Taco Diet:

I learned about the Taco Cleanse today by typing into google the ‘Taco Diet.’ I am not on a taco cleanse. This is as foreign to me as Brexit.

My social media is marketing my affair with tacos. My taco diet commenced in April and continues to gain momentum each week. Since the week of April 1st, the corn tortilla has been the bed of tender slow cooked meats, legumes, and melted cheese topped with a drizzle of sriracha, guacamole or homemade salsa. But the continued deliciousness from week to week is raising eyebrows. Here are a few noteworthy and PG comments:

“Why tacos?”

“What’s on the tacos?”

“What’s up with your taco fetish?”

“You’ll become a taco soon enough.”

“Are tacos good for you?”

“You are what you eat.”



Eat Unicorn Tacos become a Unicorn


Side Hustle led to the Taco Diet:

Since I started working from home and getting my side hustle on with freelance writing, I needed to figure out a suitable way to save money while eating healthy. There are dozens of “Buy One Get One Free” deals, but the BOGOs are for fatty, refined and processed foods. I try to eat healthy without sacrificing the flavor.

Also, with all these life changes of needing to make a career change, distancing myself from coaching, and with the deployment my heart has been heavy. And when my heart is heavy, my stomach growls more and hunger for routine emerges. I am a person of routine, though my routines never make sense to anyone else but me.

I’m on an $40-80 weekly budget. This includes gas, food, and miscellaneous purchases because I need to save money in case of an emergency. And for health insurance come August. #UniversalHealthcareNeeded



Easy cleanup


Taco diet is cheap, healthy, and I like it:

I buy 2-4lbs of meat at the market, whatever is on sale and maxes out at $12. Corn Tortillas for 4lbs is $3.00. 8 cups of Shredded Cheese $5.50. Head of lettuce $1.00. Added toppings range from $2-6.00. Cheese and saucy toppings last longer than a week, so, all in all, I buy a weeks worth of food for about $25.00 tops. To cut down on waste, after I cook the meat in the slow cooker, I then cook 1.5 cups of lentils. So when the meat runs out, I have lentils, an adequate protein source, to stuff into tacos.

The taco diet is challenging and creative. When I go to the store I look for deals, I strategize on how to make my dollar stretch while looking for the tastiest and healthiest flavor combinations for the week.

Corn tortillas stretch the dollar the best versus flour. Plus white flour spikes insulin levels, and by going with corn, the caloric count for 2 tortillas is 100 calories. Gluten-Free, low on the glycemic index, a good form of carbohydrates.



Life took a 360-degree turn


Additional pluses to the Taco Diet:

Corn Tortillas again are gluten-free, free of trans fats and have no sugar, and it’s much lower on the glycemic index than your sandwich bread, pasta, and sweet potatoes. Corn isn’t complete shit although the diet industry might try to say otherwise. The truth is corn tortillas are a healthy form of carbohydrates and is quick, usable energy, which I need with the number of workouts and training I do.

The meat is slow cooked, and I do not add oils to it. It’s flavored with spices, and usually a can of Rotel or chipotle sauce or fermented pepper sauce. Great source of protein to help repair and build my muscles and is low in fat for the most part.

Mango Salsa

Home cooked meal every day

I know the Ketosis diet is so popular and fats are king in 2017, but I do not buy into Keto at all. I want clean, tasty and satisfying meals. Not some bullshit trendy diet your sister’s best friend’s cousin’s boss tried out and loved.

So why tacos? Simple and covers all the major nutrient guidelines. I think the cool kids call them macros. Throw some greens on top, and I just completed the ultimate meal of carbs, proteins, dietary fiber, low fat and delicious.

How come continued taco consumption? Well, Cotton, it comes down to executing the fundamentals of I’m cheap, resourceful, I like challenges, and I’m creative in the kitchen.

Final thoughts on the Taco Diet? My boyfriend is deployed, and when it comes to figuring out how to get along by myself and adjust to cooking for one, my widow senses kick in so I can get shit done. And I am making some incredible cuisine over here in the Taco Lab.


About J.

Fitness professional, fitness & nutrition writer, widowed at 28. Writing about getting through grief through self-care, physical activity, and the ​constant feeling of being uncomfortable.
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2 Responses to What you need to know about the Taco Diet

  1. J. says:

    Reblogged this on The Burger Count and commented:

    During Mike’s deployment, here on the homefront, I had to rely on my instincts and abilities to cook for one.

    Cooking for one reignited a pain that has dimmed as time pressed forward, but it’s a trick and mentality I have acquired and practiced during this period alone.

    The infamous mango salsa was created on Monday to complement this weeks spicy pork tacos. Thank goodness pork butt and boneless ribs were on sale.

    But what the hell is the deal with tacos? Taco count is staggering, guaranteed 250+ tacos will be devoured by the time Mike comes home. Might be 250 by mid-August.

    Hello, Taco Count.

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